Hope Darst Hits Close To Home With Song, “If The Lord Builds The House”

One of the perks of our host William Ryan III’s job is that sometimes impactful lyrics from a really great song can get stuck in his head. Right now, that song is Hope Darst’s new song, “If the Lord Builds the House.” 

Hope did not have to look far for the actors in her music video. The family is actually her husband and two daughters! How cool is that?  

But, the lyrics to this song really got our host, William Ryan III, thinking – William always wants to be asking, “What am I building? I don’t want to build a family, or a business, or a life on my own name or strength. I only want the Lord to build my house.”

That is such a great perspective for us as believers!

Check out these lyrics:

I’ve built up my own name

But the walls couldn’t stand

I’ve trusted my own strength

But it was sinking sand

So I put my ruins into Your hands

And watch You restore them

Like only You can

If the Lord builds the house

Nobody can tear it down

When it’s built on His name

There’s nothing gonna shake this ground

We love this message!

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